Author Archives: admin

The Sleep-time Struggle

It has been a week since all routine got tossed down the drain with the little one being down with fever and both him and I having a very disturbed and relatively less amount of sleep. Just when I thought he has almost recovered, my daughter complained of feeling feverish today. I lectured her on and on about how she should lie down quietly and make an effort to sleep early at least today. She finally did fall asleep earlier than usual and a happy-and-relieved me got up and called my mother.

Now what do you think I heard my mother tell me?? 🙂 Just what I had told my daughter repeatedly! 🙂

As We Bond Over ARR’s Music

I cannot tell you how exciting it is for me when I introduce composition after composition of ARR to my children and see them too thoroughly enjoy those. With the volume on a high and the woofer on, there are those moments when there’s no room for naughtiness or tantrums and it’s just music and us. As I tap my feet and hum along softly and they both dance to the music, relaxing with Rahman’s music has almost become an everyday activity for us.

As the Koel Sings

It’s one of those rare mornings when my little one is still asleep even though it’s already 7 am. He’s an early riser unlike me. I woke up to pacify him when he was talking something out loud from his dreams. Taking in the pitch dark surrounding, I thought it was sometime in the middle of the night. A glance at the time showed that it was 6 35 am!

Did I tell you that Singapore starts getting its first rays of light only at around 6 45? And now that the sunny, sweaty weather of Singapore is back, the evenings start bidding adieu to the sunlight only after 7?
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The Silent Outdoors!

13:45 on a Saturday afternoon. A play area nestled among 5 HDB (Housing Development Board) apartment blocks and another 10 more blocks 2-5 minutes walk away. Each block has anywhere between 12-16 stories and each storey has more than 10 apartments. Yet you don’t find even a single child playing in the play area. Considering the number of apartments, even on other days and at other times, only a few children come out to play. Not all would have gone to full day childcare or gone out somewhere. I really wonder what is it that the kids are doing all day at home on a holiday. Anything interesting other than screen time??

The Missed Fitness Goals

I have been struggling to reduce my weight for almost three years now. Walking 10K steps a day hasn’t really helped so far. Looks like it will give proper result only if I walk those steps at a stretch, which isn’t a possibility.

Skipping chocolates, ice creams and fried/oily foods completely too didn’t help.

Going in for a low-carb diet and skipping rice completely seems to be the new mantra, but I just love my sambhar/rasam/curd rice so much to completely let go of it.

What will definitely help is a good workout on a daily basis which I am not at all doing.

I fondly remember those breaks from work when my friends and I used to go to the weighing machine in office, check our weights, grumble over it and then, later, indulge in a samosa or Lays or Cafe Coffee Day’s Devil’s Own or a Caramel-flavoured (I forgot the exact name!) ice cream from Baskin & Robins. 😉 That was a decade back! How old do I feel!

From sometime in 2007, I started going for long walks. But it wasn’t until 2009 when I joined a Yoga class that I got any real workout done. Just 6 months of going to a class regularly and later continuing to doing it on my own for the next four years, albeit only on and off, did help me till then. After that, every time I started off afresh and did it for a few days or a couple of weeks at a stretch, something or the other caused me to take a break after which I never immediately resumed when I could.

Yoga gave my body a flexibility which, thankfully, still remains. Surya Namaskaram has always been my favourite.

Yesterday evening, just when my daughter and I were talking about the exercises that I should be doing, in walked my husband who started talking about starting off with a workout plan. And, thus, I started off with my exercises yet again yesterday. I hope to keep it going for at least a few months. This time, at least, I should.

Hitting Refresh

That’s what I have been telling myself for quite a while now and keep planning to write it here too. But, like the classic habit of several software folks who click on ‘Refresh’ in their desktops when their system gets hanged or when they don’t know how to proceed further in their work, all the while knowing fully well that nothing will happen because of that ‘Refresh’, my ‘Refresh’ goal too remained like that dummy ‘Refresh’.

As was evident from my meager blogging here, last month didn’t see me being fully relaxed or practising mindfulness or keeping my tiredness or irritation under control or even keeping my tongue fully in control during those stressful moments. Blame it on the weather or the cold and cough or whatever, I saw myself losing control over improving my patience level that I had been working on with full earnest for the best part of 2017. Now, with the sun back in full force, my cold and throat problems having reduced a lot and me working on improving my patience levels again – be it the patience that I show to myself or to others or to a situation, I felt that the time has come to finally hit that refresh mode.

As exhaustion takes over

Yes the clock says 11:49 PM and I should definitely be in deep sleep dreaming away. But don’t you know those days when you feel so tired, be it physically or mentally or emotionally, and all you want to do is to take the time out and relax? Yes, today or rather the last few days have been those kind of days.

If there was one thing that I was really happy about last year, it was the revival of this blog. This year, I haven’t been able to write anything here so far because of all that I wrote in my previous two posts. So, in a bid to relax and also to let out all those trivialities of life that one lets bother oneself, here I go conversing with you just like I would with any person close to my heart.

The house remained in a state of disarray of sorts till the last few days since my priority was to do the basic cooking and dish washing and then take rest and keep my children engaged with activities other than watching TV whenever possible.

As I visited the doctor for my face pain, the first question that the receptionist asked was if I am working. If I had answered yes, I would have been given a medical certificate advising rest. In the foul mood that this cold and pain had put me in, I wanted to ask her if there was someway housewives/homemakers/SAHMs too could get vacation when they are not well. But I didn’t.

While I have been trying my best to get the house dusted and cleaned up, I feel, yet again, that I should somehow find a way to reduce the amount of things we have. Be it toys or dress or books. The lesser the things that we have, the easier to maintain, isn’t it? But, while the realist in me knows that there is no way I can ever embrace minimalism fully, I think it’s time to at least start thinking about it every time we add one more thing to the house. It doesn’t matter even if it is only something as simple as a whole lot of plastic shopping bags.

But, coming back to the main point, I have still not been able to fully dust the windows, deep-clean and scrub the bathrooms and do a thousand other things like that and that is really getting on my nerves.

Then there’s my little one and his naughtiness. As he happily pours a litre full of milk one day, a 100 ml of orange juice the other day, half a cup of tea today and so on, I realize that I have to just wait for him to outgrow these naughty acts and no tactic or approach of mine will make him fully stop them. Did I tell you that he really enjoys doing all those mischief? But it is no fun cleaning up those messes and, everyday, at the end of the day, I feel tired of mopping a dozen times with different rag cloths and cleaning liquids.

But did I tell you the great positive thing that he has started school and is really enjoying it? He has also started talking a lot more and we do a lot of story-telling sessions and play with a select few toys together.

But the ranter in me now wants to focus not on the school but on the lack of sleep that he is facing post the start of school. The excitement is getting on to him. The boy who slept early is now sleeping at least a couple of hours late and is still waking up early. Because of this, my kitchen chores too get affected and I get to wash the final lot of vessels only when all I want to do is to make the children sleep.

The daughter is enjoying her school as always and she also now has a lot more friends to play with. I play a lot of board games with her nowadays. But, hey, this is rant time, isn’t it? So, while I dreamt of happily playing with her exclusively during those two hours the son is in school, she ended up throwing one of her tantrums and crying spells the last couple of days. Her crying spells always leave me wondering when will I ever learn how to handle a child throwing a tantrum. It leaves me more stressed out too.

I realize that it’s not just that but all the other trivialities too that get me stressed out and it affects me the most only when I am not well-rested or when I have not had a quality relaxing me-time for a while now.

And, yes, the insecure-mother in me starts thinking about how things would have turned out to be if I had remained a working mother and not a stay-at-home mother. Did I tell you that that’s another stress-inducer in itself and I might as well not write about it now?

Cold, Cough, Clumsy and all that

Cold, cough, clumsy and all that

6 days into the new year and a week since I came back to Singapore, I am yet to get back to normal.

The cold and cough which all of us at home became down with early in December has still not gone. Add to it a clumsy act of mine of hitting my face in full force on the arm rest of the flight seat. Yes unbelievable things like these often keep happening to me. The pain subsided in a few days only to be back in full force after getting hurt again in the same place. The nagging pain is making it difficult to show complete patience while dealing with the crying or tantrums of my children as well as while carrying on with the routine household chores.

The weather in Singapore isn’t helping either. With no sign of the usual scorching sun and with only cloudy/rainy weather being prevalent and not to forget the musty smell of the wet clothes that refuse to fully get dried up, only more dullness prevails.

As always, I am hating how even something as common as a cough and cold prevents me from carrying on my routine unhindered. Here’s hoping that better times will come soon.

Meanwhile, the son has started going to school and so far, it has been good. And now there’s one more school bag to pack, one more uniform to be kept ready, one more small lunch box to pack and one more school almanac to check everyday. And more friends and acquaintances in the making too maybe.