A musical Sunday! ;)

7:30 am – 9:00 am: Music Class
10:00 am – 12:00 noon: Vijayagopal’s Concert at Narada Gana Sabha Mini Hall
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Ram’s Concert at Vani Mahal
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Saketaraman’s Concert at Sri Krishna Gana Sabha (Missed the first few minutes)
4:20 pm – 4:50 pm: Ranjani & Gayatri’s Concert at Music Academy (Reached 5 minutes late for the 4:15 pm concert. Couldn’t sit beyond half an hour!)
6:30 pm – 9:45 pm: Sanjay Subrahmanyan’s Concert at Vani Mahal (Superb concert as usual!!)

Happily did sabha-hopping to my heart’s content all through the day! 😀

13 thoughts on “A musical Sunday! ;)

  1. Pathe

    I happened to come across your blog and I see a post on MM and then I see your twitters and my heart sank. You have no idea how jealous of you I am. Being in Chennai during The Season – you must have done something good in your past lives. For I am here in Mumbai helpless and longing to be there!!!! But I shall follow your twitts – they seem like a live concert feed….god bless you!!:p

  2. Sowmya

    That must have been a truly musical Sunday! So why dont you share with us more about the concerts? And was R-G’s concert so bad? Well, i know its subjective, but just wanted to know your opinion. Thanks

  3. Aparna

    Welcome to my blog!

    🙂 Will soon write posts on the concerts. Well, Ranjani-Gayatri’s concert wasn’t bad. But I didn’t find it interesting either 🙂

  4. R.Saravanan

    Dear Aparna,

    Must say it is truely a musical sunday.An experience of live authentic classical music.Why only half an hour of R&G???

    Who played the violin for them??


  5. puranjoy

    I am curious. Just how good are these artists? How old? What are their backgrounds? Are they full-time artists, or do they hold some other day job?
    I am sure Wikipedia would have articles on them or something, but here’s a suggestion–how about some stuff on them? Maybe some commentary as well, like, do you go to watch them perform, or do you watch them perform because they are doing Carnatic classical stuff?

    And what is that music class business?

  6. Aparna

    It doesn’t

    Will soon write a post with answers for all your questions. But, I can do that only next year! 😉 Too busy these days!

    >And what is that music class business?
    Music class is where I learn Carnatic music (singing)!

    You will surely get that post also next year 😉

  7. puranjoy

    A singer of Carnatic music–how about that!
    Are you going to sing in the places that you review here? Do you plan to? (This is a serious question, I am not joking.)

  8. Pingback: Aparna’s Blog » FAQs by non-kutcheri-goers/non-Carnatic-listeners

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