A mother of two

Hey my dear forgotten blog! Every time I listen to the songs and the addictive BGM of OK Kanmani, my hands itch to type a post here. But, as always, that seems to be the least-priority task to me. Life has seen so many changes since I last wrote here, guess when, more than a year back! Did I tell you that I now have a 5-month old son? I spent the first half of this year in Madras and have been back in Singapore since July.

It is a tired and crazy life here having to take care of and play with both the children, do all the routine household chores and above all, try to find the time to work on my thesis, the completion of which would mark the completion of my Masters degree. On most days, I just don’t find the time or energy to sit and study. How wish I had studied back in those carefree days instead of whiling away the time blogging and reading blogs. 😉

It is a life full of deadlines now, having to cook before the daughter becomes hungry, getting her ready to leave for school on time, wash and get the little son’s clothes dry on time before he runs out of nappies, finish as much work as possible before the little one wakes up from his nap, keep the daughter engaged with something till the little one wakes up lest she disturbs his sleep and so on….and above all, that important deadline of my thesis!

But, at the end of the day, when I see the two beautiful little ones smiling, I feel so happy and blessed.

I’ve already spent way too much time than I can afford on this post. See you later, hopefully, sometime soon, my blog!

2 thoughts on “A mother of two

  1. Harii

    I came here after a long time wishing to see something new!! Now I see the reason for the long absence!
    I can easily relate what you are going through as I have a toddler girl & still trying to cope with the changes she has brought in to our lives.

    // But, at the end of the day, when I see the two beautiful little ones smiling, I feel so happy and blessed.

    Best wishes


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