Category Archives: Singapore

D’Resort at Downtown East, Singapore

In early May this year, we happened to visit NTUC Club’s water park,  Wild Wild Wet, during the NTUC May Day celebration. There was some nice water play area and rides for all age groups and even a person like me who is absolutely scared of water could enjoy it. That’s when we saw that there was a resort integrated with this water park – D’Resort at Downtown East.


A browse through their website showed super nice, clean rooms. The very thought of water play everyday during the stay at the resort was very tempting for the children. This place seemed like the perfect place to go on a staycation.


We rarely take a break during weekdays. This is one rare instance when we are doing this and started our staycation yesterday evening. We have one of the rooms of the ‘Mangrove Walk’ series.


This room has all the nice amenities with two big beds, a TV, a double door fridge, a microwave oven, an electric kettle and a clean, spacious bathroom – perfect for a family with kids.


The balcony of our room overlooks the big slides of Wild Wild Wet.


But the ground floor rooms have an open balcony without any grills and there are times when somebody is working on the plants on the other side. Centipedes are a common sight on the balcony too. So it is better to keep the door and curtains closed.


A walk behind the rooms leads to the exit to Pasir Ris beach – a beach with very shallow waves and having dense mangrove behind it.


A sheltered walkway through the different blocks and rooms of the resort leads us to E! Hub which houses the super fun-filled indoor playground of NTUC Club, eXplorerKid. E!Hub is your typical shopping mall of Singapore housing lots of shops including NTUC Fairprice, eateries, several extracurricular/enrichment classes, Cathay cinema Theatres, etc.

Adjoining Wild Wild Wet are several eateries including Pizza Hut, Subway, McDonalds and NTUC FoodFare housing a wide variety of cuisines. Of course, finding good Indian Vegetarian food outside of Little India or Downtown in Singapore, is still difficult. There is an Indian food stall in Foodfare, but for strict vegetarians like me, the smell from the place turns me away from it. For now, I will stick to the veg Sub from Subway.

There is also a Cheers outlet near Wild Wild Wet as well as at the resort.

So, yes, there is everything at or a stone’s throw away from the resort, making it a perfect place for a vacation.

I am enjoying every bit of this much-needed break from the usual cooking-cleaning-rushing crazy daily routine and we as a family have decided to completely relax for one more day after which we will be back to our routine starting Thursday morning.

P.S.: NTUC members, do check out all the awesome offers and promos at this resort.

The Staycation

5 years back, my husband and I wondered just why on earth would somebody want to go on a staycation within a small city like Singapore itself when there are thousands of places to explore all over the world. Today, we have ourselves come on a staycation! On the second day of the staycation, sitting back and watching the kids having loads of fun at the indoor play area, here I am, not complaining one bit and enjoying every moment of this wonderful vacation.

The Friendly Singaporean Elders

Today, as yet another old lady started talking to me non-stop in a friendly tone, I only wished yet again that I put in the time and effort in learning at least a basic conversational Mandarin.

Right from the beginning, we have found the elders here to be extremely friendly. Be it the neighbours or random strangers in the bus/train, corridors and other public places, the elders here have always been very friendly. Saying a ‘Hi!’ or playing with the babies or stopping a crying child with just a ‘Sshh!’ uttered in mock anger or exchanging a sympathetic glance with me as I try to calm a crying child or giving kids candies, they are friendly all the time. Be it listening with rapt attention to the Chinese songs our daughter was learning in school or just striking a conversation with us. But language has always been a big barrier when it came to communicating with them since most of them do not know English. In our previous apartment, we had such a helpful neighbour, but, alas, language was the problem. We had to wait till her son came home to communicate anything important. If only I learn Chinese…

Kelantan Road, Singapore

(Written in early 2016. We moved from this area in January 2017)

Sometime last week, I was walking along Rochor Canal Road carrying my son. At around 8:30 in the morning, the usually sweltering heat of Singapore was yet to reach its peak and there was an air of pleasantness to the weather. The water in the canal was still and, there in the still water, I could clearly see the reflection of the blocks/buildings of Kelantan Road – my home for the past 3.5 years in Singapore.
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5 years in Singapore

A post on my previous neighbourhood – Kelantan Road – in Singapore is something which I have been planning to publish for more than a year now! A while back, I found my notebook on which I had written this post last year and sat down to type this on the laptop. That’s when I saw the date and it struck me that it has been exactly 5 years since I first set foot in Singapore – July 28th, 2012! Now there is no way I am moving away from the laptop till I finish typing it fully. Stay tuned for it.

Surin Park, Singapore

Surin Park has now become one of the parks in Singapore I regularly visit. This small yet beautiful park has walking paths covered by the shade of several trees including a tamarind tree which is among the list of heritage trees of Singapore. Nestled among posh independent houses and across the road from only one series of HDB (Housing Development Board) apartment blocks, this is in a very calm and peaceful locale.

Taking in the lush greenery lining the paths and pointing out the various butterflies and tiny insects to my kids, I just love walking through this park. With shelters having benches, a kids play area and an exercise area, this park, away from the noisy roads, makes for a perfect place for relaxing with family. It makes for a nice change to have the buzzing of insects for company, instead of the noise made by vehicles, isn’t it?

Prasadam at Singapore Temples

As I mentioned in my previous post, the best thing about the temples in Singapore is the prasadam. During my initial days in Singapore, I used to say that the Senthil episode in ‘Boys’ movie should have been featured here rather than in Madras because you’re sure to get an entire meal itself as a prasadam here if you time your visit to the temple correctly. Even otherwise, you’re sure to get some prasadam most of the times.
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The Temples of Singapore

The one thing that you’re not going to miss much if you’re in Singapore is the visits to temple. Though the temples here are no match to our ancient temples in terms of the architectural marvels, the divine atmosphere still remains the same. The moment you step inside a temple, many a times it still feels like you’re still in Tamil Nadu. The deities beautifully decorated, the sacred chants by the pusaaris/kurukkaLs/pattaacharis, the sounds of nadaswaram and tavil, the brisk sale of nei viLakkus and archanai tickets and the temples filled with a whole lot of South Indians barring a few North Indians and foreigners create the familiar atmosphere of our very own temples.

The best part about the temples here is that every temple has its own nadaswaram and tavil players, which, unfortunately, is not the case with the temples in Tamil Nadu. It feels great to see the musical rituals too being followed strictly at all the temples here with the nadaswaram and tavil players playing the mallaris and other pieces at all the stipulated timings all through the day. My daughter being a big fan of the music made by pee-pee dum-dum 🙂 absolutely enjoys visiting the temples.

No post on the temples in Singapore will be complete without mentioning another best part about the temples here, which is, guess what, the prasadams! But that deserves a separate post in itself, so wait and watch out for that.