Monthly Archives: March 2010

Arupatthumoovar at Kapaleeswarar Temple

After seeing the grand Arupatthumoovar at Kapaleeswarar temple, I had to ‘unblock’ the blogger’s block somehow and write this post. This is a very long post! Read it when you find time.

Despite living very near Mylapore for almost 15 years now, I had never been to Arupatthumoovar even once! When I was studying in school, festival time at Kapaleeswarar temple always meant getting a holiday or two and that was all. This year’s Arupatthumoovar was on last Saturday (27th March) &, initially, I wasn’t planning on going for it. My mom having gone for Arupatthumoovar for the first time last year, tempted me to go and, here I am now, all set to relive the grandeur of the fest which left me awe-struck.
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Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa

If you are looking forward to reading yet another review that is going to rave about this movie, then go ahead and skip reading this post.

Stunning locations & the vibrant colours of Trisha’s lovely costumes captured beautifully on camera and, of course, the songs and the background music are all I liked in Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa. I just loved the BGM parts that had Aaromale and Hosanna.
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